A team with experience.
The doctors Meritxell Gispert, Marisa Iborra, Montse Alcalde i Rosa Maria Huguet, lead this team project in which we have united our capabilities and efforts in order to offer women a comprehensive quality service.
Gynaecology and obstetrics are the principal activities of Giah, a well renowned Well Woman Centre. Hand in hand with Clinica Bofill, the centre offers cover specific to the needs and pathologies related to women, always taking into account the latest advances in gynaecological treatments.
Our wish and desire is that the patients feel supported and cared for during the whole health-related treatment, especially during pregnancy and giving birth. A treatment that is personalized in every case, for each woman.
Dra. Meritxell
Gispert Girbau
Dra. Marisa
Iborra Sanjosé
Dra. Montserrat
Alcalde Royo
Dra. Rosa Maria
Huguet Montfulleda