The main objective of a gynaecological check-up is to make sure that there are no changes in the reproductive organs that could indicate a risk of developing a disease.
The check-ups are meant to prevent possible gynaecological disorders but also to inform about risk factors. Preventive health care is necessary to remain healthy. Early detection increases the possibility of treatment.
When to start with gynaecological check-ups:
You are never too young or too old to visit the gynaecologist. It is important to start with gynaecological check-ups at the moment that you start to have sexual activity and from that moment you must continue the check-ups for the rest of your life, and of course, whenever you have a problem related to the female genital system or the breasts.
Frequency of the gynaecological check-ups:
The frequency of check-ups is different for every woman. It depends on the risk factors in her medical history and her family history.
It is important not to wait until the next check-up if you notice any changes: a little lump in the breast, changes in menstruation or vaginal fluid. We must insist on the importance of never skipping a scheduled gynaecological check-up.
What is a gynaecological check-up:
It is a painless, periodic, routine examination that, in general, includes a check of the medical history of the patient, a gynaecological ultrasound, an abdominal and pelvic examination, a cytological examination of the cervix or the papanicolau test and an examination of the breasts.
Pathology of the cervix. Human papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI), which can cause different health problems including genital warts and cancers.
HPV is so current that 80% of sexually active people can carry the virus. The virus can be transmitted even if the infected person has no symptoms. This is why getting screened for cervical cancer with smear test is vital.
¿How could I prevent HPV infection?
Get vaccinated. These days, the HPV vaccine is the most effective way of preventing HPV infection. There are different types of vaccine, but all of them protect against HPV types 16 and 18 that cause most HPV cancers.
The use of latex condoms can also lower your risk of getting HPV, by avoiding direct skin to skin contact. You should be aware that HPV can infect areas not covered by a condom, meaning that even with the use of a condoms, you are not fully protected.
¿What can I do if I get HPV?
Follow-ups. Once you know you have HPV, you will need to see your gynaecologist every 6-12 months. This will allow to monitor the infection, as in most cases, HPV goes away without treatment and does not cause any problems. However when HPV does not go away, you may need surgical treatment to remove the area infected.
Genital warts are also very common, and can be removed with a simple treatment. After which, it is important to follow the recommendations to avoid recurrences.
Healthy lifestyle. Healthy habits are very important, helping to strengthen your immune system to fight against HPV.
Some everyday lifestyle habits you can apply:
- maintain a healthy diet
- exercise regularly
- don’t smoke
Keep in mind:
- HPV can affect men and woman
- HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), meaning it can be passed on through sexual relations with someone who carries the virus
- The use of condoms can lower your risk of getting STI, including HPV
- HPV infection can cause severe consequences to your health, 5% of tumours are a direct result of this virus
- At present, there is no way of knowing who is only a carrier of HPV (with no consequences) and who will develop a cancer
- HPV can be transmitted even when an infected person has no symptoms
Find more information:
Advice about contraceptives
Nowadays contraceptives are a part of everyday life for women and their partners.
The choice of which contraceptive to use is a personal decision, but before choosing we should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. We must have clear, correct and complete information about the various methods, as there are a lot of them and they vary. They can be hormonal or a barrier and also for daily, weekly or monthly use or they can even be for years.
Ask us and choose the contraceptive that best suits your lifestyle:
Frequency: Once a month
What is it: It is a plastic, flexible, transparent ring that is placed in the vagina and slowly releases small amounts of contraceptive hormones.
Efficiency: 99%
How does it work: You use it 3 weeks in a row and then you remove it to have one week of rest. During this week you will have a bleeding similar to the menstruation. After the week of rest, you insert a new ring on the same day of the week that you placed the first ring.
Benefits: You only have to place the ring once a month. It is discreet, comfortable and easy to use. It doesn´t lose efficiency, even when you are using antibiotics. It does not affect spontaneity.
Important: It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. We advise you to check regularly if the ring is properly placed in the vagina.
Frequency: weekly
What is it: It is a beige patch with a surface of 20,25 mm2 that you apply directly onto skin that must be clean, dry and without hair. A continuous flow of contraceptive hormones (progestin and oestrogen) is released through the skin.
Efficiency: 99%. It is also efficient in case of vomiting or diarrhea.
Note: The patch does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STD´s).
Frequency: Daily
What is it: There are various types. They differ in the quantity and type of hormones they contain and in the dosage.
Efficiency: 99%
How does it work: You take the pill every day around the same time. The first pill should be taken on the first day of the cycle. It is important that you don´t forget to take it, because if you do, efficiency is not guaranteed.
Note: The pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STD´s). In case of vomiting or diarrhea, efficiency can decrease.
Frequency: Daily
What is it: It is a contraceptive method that prevents ovulation. This is very appropriate for women who can´t or don´t want to take oestrogens. It is indicated for women older than 35 years who smoke, are obese, have hypertension or are breastfeeding.
Efficiency: 99%
How does it work: You take the pill without oestrogen every day at the same time during the 28 days of the cycle, so the use is continuous.
Note: The pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STD´s). In case of vomiting or diarrhea, efficiency can decrease.
Frequency: Long duration (3 years)
What is it: It is a flexible rod, discrete, comfortable and easy to use. It is a contraceptive method without oestrogens, it only contains progestin.
Efficiency: 99%, also in case of vomiting or diarrhea.
How does it work: The implant is inserted under the skin in the arm by a doctor using local anaesthetic, and it releases progestin continuously. It is a simple and rapid procedure which is carried out in the first days of menstruation thus protecting against pregnancy
Note: The implant does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STD´s). As it contains one of the contraceptive hormones (progestins), menstruations are irregular, without being able to predict the day.
DIU (intrauterine device)
Frequency: Long duration (4-5 years)
What is it: There are various types, with hormones or without hormones (copper IUD).
Efficiency: 99%, also in case of vomiting or diarrhea.
How does it work: It can only be placed and removed by specialized medical staff, preferably during menstruation.
Note: The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STD´s). It can cause a little pain or discomfort when placing or removing it.
More info , endorsed by Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia (SEGO)
Guide for adolescents
It is advisable that adolescent girls visit a gynaecologist before engaging in sexual relations. Girls are tending to initiate sexual activity at an earlier age.
By starting prevention and personal information for adolescents before, or as early as possible after starting to be sexually active, we avoid the increase of contagion of STD´s and unplanned pregnancies. At the gynaecological visit, the adolescent will receive information about her health and will learn about prevention, risk factors and how to avoid illnesses, principally those which are transmitted sexually.
A clear example of prevention is the possibility nowadays of getting the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. The vaccine is especially recommended for girls between 11 and 14 years old. It is also important for adolescents, especially those who have high risk sexual relationships, which means those who don´t have a regular partner and don´t use condoms.
Therefore it is very important that the adolescent chooses a doctor with whom she can speak confidentially about these matters.
The visit to the gynaecologist is very often the first and only opportunity for the doctor to orientate, diagnose, advise and help the adolescent who, at this age, has little perception of the risks. She is not aware of her own vulnerability in case of problems with unplanned pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.
The excess of information to which young people have access increases the false perception of security. Despite the fact that they are aware of the dangers of certain risky behaviours, the manner of avoiding these dangers has still not been integrated into their cognitive system.
Care for the menopause
The menopause is the change from the reproductive phase to the non-reproductive phase which begins after the last menstruation.
Generally, most women experience a gradual decline in their cycles during the pre-menopause period and a final adjustment of the body in the post-menopause period.
One full year without menstruations has to pass before you can be sure that you don´t ovulate any more.
Although a lot of women only experience an end to their menstruation, the majority have various symptoms that are caused by the lowering of the sexual hormone levels: night sweats, fatigue and sleeping disorders. There may be urinary or vaginal changes, sometimes even emotional ones like depression or irritability. Other symptoms which can occur are, amongst others, weakening of the bones (osteoporosis) and changes in the skin.
There are multiple options which are offered and personalized by the doctor. Amongst the existing treatments available we can highlight the following:
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Herewith we try to reduce all or several symptoms that occur. We apply oestrogens or progestins in various ways (oral, vaginal or patches)
Replenishment of Calcium and Vitamin D.
Treatment of symptoms
Natural therapies
Gynaecological ultrasound
The gynaecological ultrasound (trans-vaginal ultrasound or abdominal ultrasound) is a diagnostic tool, a non-invasive exploratory technique which permits the visualization of the female internal organs, including the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries.
General gynaecological surgery
The various gynaecological surgeries, as well as the obstetrical surgeries, are very safe procedures.
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Hysteroscopic Surgery
- Breast Surgery
- We are in direct contact with Clínica Teknon and Clínica Delfos in Barcelona for oncological surgery.