By using physiotherapy to re-educate the pelvic floor muscles the following ailments can be treated:
Irene Faig Bancells
- Prolapses of the uterus (uterocele), the bladder (vesicocele), urethra (uretrocele) or rectum (rectocele)
- Stress incontenence, urge incontenece and mixed incontenence
- Pelvic congestion
- Sexual dysfunctions: vulvodynia, vaginismus or dyspareunia
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Neuropathic pain
- Pudendal nerve neuropathies
- Chronic and functional constipation
- Sciatica
- Lumbago
- Pain in the sacro region
- Pyramidal syndrome
- Swollen legs
- Pelvic pain
- Indigestion and acid reflux
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Twisted ankle
- Vulvar varicose veins
- Pain after episiotomy
- Painful intercourse (dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia)
- Secondary epidural pain
- Caesarean scar adhesions
- Stress, urgency and mixed urinary incontinence
Private insurances we work with:
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